Bad Faith Petitions

Reasons to Disqualify the Retaliatory Petitions

The petitions against Ron Claus, Carol Anderson, Jim Cook, are invalid for multiple reasons:


  1. The dominant Board faction has initiated retaliatory recall against the minority directors for the purpose of revenge and to confuse the members. 
  2. The reasons cited in the submission letter and that used to solicit the petitions are false and defamatory.
  3. The person submitting the petitions and participated in the solicitation and signing of the petitions is not a member.
  4. The solicitation letter sent by EWUA does not constitute a proxy and cites non-existent language from the bylaws.
  5. The submitted petitions are not dated.
  6. Multiple petitioners listed by EWUA as supporting the recall of three directors are not members.
  7. Common author – The Board majority along with the General Manager, solicited petition signatures under false pretenses to recall three minority directors. These false accusations were then published to all Members.

See the documentation for each of these reasons in the PDF.