Jim Cook’s Statement

Did you see Director Jim Cook’s Statement?

Here is an excerpt:

“Five years later I met Steve Smith and discovered that the Board of Eastsound Water was fraught with irregularities, if not outright financial malfeasance, bullying, and related organizational dysfunction. Though much of this mess was supposedly “resolved” through a legal agreement between the Board and its General Manager, it was intuitively clear to me that this kind of thing would not be resolved by covering it up, legally or otherwise. So, I decided to run. I decided it was time to see if I could make better what appeared to be a bad situation.

“The election itself was embarrassingly amateurish. The Board elected 2 Directors when it actually had a requirement to elect 3 Directors. So, the Board “promoted” me, who received the third most votes, to the third Director position. Another Board member resigned, requiring the Board appoint another Director. During the appointment process, though I was recently elected, I was not allowed to vote. No reason was given. No explanation. This is how my tenure on the Board began. Not good.

“Over the course of the last five months, I’ve witnessed a Board in complete disarray.”

Please see Director Cook’s full statement here.