It seems the curtain has been drawn back enough for Members to see who is pulling the strings.
EWUA General Manager Dan Burke asked for his letter to the EWUA Membership to be published in the Orcasonian, then asked Lin to remove it again. Here’s Lin’s post about this.
The GM had posted it on the EWUA website, too, but then removed the portion of the page that had been his letter. Then, though, the website has been down for much of today. As of 8/19/24 evening, his letter is back on the EWUA website.
If you’re a Member, you got his original letter in an email. But, if you missed his letter, this is what it said. Our explanation at the top was written before Dan had reposted the letter back to the EWUA website:
On August 18th, after Director Carol Ann Anderson had seen GM Burke’s letter to all Members, she wrote a letter to her fellow directors:
There is a problem when the general manager can take control of the communication system for the members and use it at his discretion. His announcements should be at a minimal address as though they were written by a board member. These types of announcements should be approved by the board. They are unwarranted and are personal opinions of the general manager.