Category: Site Information

  • RecallWater sent an email to the Members in order to explain EWUA’s proxy form because we think it is confusing. We also placed the instructions on our front page. We did have a question from a Member about why we put an “X” through Step II. We’ve explained that on this page.  

  • We’ve been hearing some great questions as we visit around the community. So, today, we’ve added two new pages/buttons. The FAQs page is in answer to the questions we’re hearing as we listen. We’ll add more as we learn of commonly-asked questions. The EWUA Retaliation page, although still in answer to a question, is separate…

  • We’ve added a page called, “Distractions.”  It’s also a button on the homepage, so you’ll be able to find it again. Basically, EWUA’s dominant Board faction wants Members to think about anything other than the reasons why they are being recalled. We need to keep our focus on the truth rather than on the distractions.…

  • As 2024 RecallWater and EWUA-related news occurs, we’ll add that information under the “New/Articles/Press Releases” button on the RecallWater site and perhaps write about them here on this blog. As we add new pages/buttons to the site, we’ll explain those here. As we add new information to pages, we’ll notify you of that as well.…

  • We ask you to sign both the petition and the proxy forms. Each form will let you mark whether you want to have your name made public or if you prefer to keep it private. We already have more than enough petition signatures to cause a Member meeting to be called. We ask you to…

  • Welcome! The information that was on the 2023 RecallWater site is still relevant and available. You can get to it anytime by scrolling to the bottom of the 2024 home page and clicking on “Link to Round 1 RecallWater homepage.” Most every button is self-explanatory. What changes most, as proxies and petition signatures come in,…