Board Election and Proxies

You have probably received a ballot and proxy form from EWUA. We have not received ours yet; they seem to like to pretend that we are not Members.

Please do complete the ballot yourself. Vote for two. Make sure that your ballot is back in the EWUA offices by November 10.

We suggest you do not complete the Board-provided proxy. In our opinion, whoever does complete the Board’s proxy gives the Board the authority to vote on any and all issues, including questions that have not been raised yet, including selling the Association.  If you have signed the Board proxy already, you can rescind it by sending written notice to the Association.

We are asking you to sign the RecallWater proxy. It is very different from the Board proxy. It is limited to one issue for one meeting. It allows the proxy holder to cast your vote on the retention or recall of named Board members. Unlike the Board proxy (that can only be rescinded in writing), the RecallWater proxy is nullified if you attend the Member meeting in person.

In order to solve the problems at EWUA, two things need to happen.
* We need to elect two new Board members.
* We need to recall at least two of the remaining, named Board members. Unless the recall is successful, the Board (which has enabled and perpetuated the problems) will continue to hold the majority of the votes.

The recall petition will not be submitted until after the election.

We hope that you will vote for Jim Cook, Carol Ann Anderson, or Teri Negretto.  We hope that the two on that list who are elected will consider appointing the third to a Board seat when the recall creates some openings.


Link to RecallWater proxy