Category: Why Recall

  • The Mask of Reputation

    ||| FROM STEVE SMITH ||| In the theater of life, reputations are the costumes we wear—the finely-tailored suits or the threadbare cloaks that define us. A person with a sterling reputation is akin to a celebrated actor, bathed in the spotlight’s warm glow. We applaud their virtues, admire their deeds, and weave narratives of integrity…

  • ||| from MICHAEL RIORDAN |||              The word “fiduciary” has been bandied about recently on Orcas Island, especially with regard to two recall efforts at Eastsound Water Users Association. One group states that the majority of the EWUA Board of Directors is not fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility to the members to represent their rights and…

  • ||| FROM RANDALL GAYLORD ||| Members should be sure to vote in the Eastsound Water recall election even though this election  lacks checks and balances we are accustomed to for removing public officials from office. When a recall of a public official is made, the Prosecuting Attorney prepares a ballot synopsis and sends it to…

  • Written by Michael Riordan We received an email regarding the soaring costs of pending EWUA litigation. Those of us at Concerned Members of Eastsound Water Users Association, on whose behalf I reply, are also concerned about these costs. Regrettably, the string of litigations you refer to started at EWUA itself, beginning in March 2023 with…

  • Recall Initiated  The short version  The petitions to initiate a recall meeting have been submitted. EWUA must call a Member meeting for sometime between August 11, 2024 and September 30, 2024 where a vote on the recall of several Directors will happen. We are demanding a neutral election inspector to manage the recall process be…

  • Teri Nigretto and Leith Templin Interfere with People’s Right to Hear – July 20, 2024 President of EWUA, Teri Nigretto, and Leith Templin intercepting people and blocking access to the booth at the Farmer’s Market. Fred Klein and Michael Riordan seated. EWUA Director Carol taking the picture. Teri Nigretto and Leith Templin blocking visitor…

  • During my college years of pursuing a teaching degree, I was a volunteer instructor and counselor at a Job Corps facility. Many of the kids were from low-income families who were there to learn a trade. As I understood it, some were given a choice between juvenile detention or Job Corps.  As humans do, the…

  • Did you read the full affidavit written by Ron Claus? Here are three paragraphs from it: “Unfortunately, in the 18 months I have been on the Board, I have discovered that the EWUA Board is dysfunctional because of certain key players. In my first full board meeting as a director, there was a surprise motion…

  • Did you read the affidavit written by Director Carol Anderson? Here are three paragraphs from it: “I asked Dan Burke, EWUA General Manager, to issue Exhibit B, Board-approved ‘Notification from the EWUA Board dated 12-13-23”. It was posted on the EWUA website and in the Orcasonian (, a local newspaper on December 15th, 2023. This…