Author: admin

  • The Recall Effort Ends Our efforts to recall Eastsound Water Users Association Board members ends. The recall seems unnecessary now that most of the original list of those to recall are not there. Four of the Board members who we believed were responsible for the many problems at EWUA have departed. Board Members We have…

  • The election instructions and the ballots that are being distributed by EWUA are seriously flawed. The flaws include: Incorrect identification of the seats that are up for election.  The number of seats that are up for election. The instructions state two seats. It should have been three. The ballot states that if a Member votes…

  • You have probably received a ballot and proxy form from EWUA. We have not received ours yet; they seem to like to pretend that we are not Members. Please do complete the ballot yourself. Vote for two. Make sure that your ballot is back in the EWUA offices by November 10. We suggest you do…

  • Eastsound Water Association updates and annual meeting notice

  • The EWUA Board intends to hire a new auditor to do a “full audit of EWUA.” On April 6, 2023, the EWUA Board hired Tiffany Couch of Acuity Forensics to review some of the General Manager’s transactions that looked questionable. Acuity was recommended by the Board attorney and selected by Jim Nelson. She was the…

  • Summary of major changes in the proposed bylaws: It will be much easier to remove Board members – Instead of there being a requirement of a unanimous vote of the Board to remove a Board member, the Board now only requires 5 of the 7 Board members to remove “undesirables” from the Board. The Board…

  • After Team Recall published the forensic report, the EWUA Board scrambled with multiple meetings per week to formulate a response to the findings and recommendations made in the forensic report.  You can see the forensic report here. EWUA called their response an Implementation Report (IR) and declared that all 12 recommendations made by the forensic…

  • News and Updates Tenar Hall’s Open Letter Q&A with Steve Smith Forensic Investigation Report (see PDF download) Calendar of Events EWUA Bylaws (PDF download) Petition and Proxy Forms – Please sign both

  • Water House

    In an attempt to distract you from the culture of bullying and the financial mismanagement issues present with the Board of Eastsound Water Users Association, the Board issued a press release under the byline of Toby Cooper of the Sounder.   See this post regarding the Sounder’s distortions. This is a link to the actual proposal…

  • EWUA Scrambles

    The Eastsound Water Users Association Board has posted a response to the forensic accountant’s recommendations.  Available on the EWUA website.